Refuel on God’s Great Dance Floor: The Parable of the Prodigal Son

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At our Refuel Concert on Apr. 25th, we seek to raise awareness and support to abolish child trafficking and exploitation here in America by partnering with Love 146.

The inspiration behind our concert title, “Refuel on God’s Great Dance Floor” comes from the Biblical passage on the Parable of the Lost Son (Luke 15:11-32).

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We’re only a few weeks away so let’s celebrate on God’s Great Dance Floor on April 25th!

God’s Great Dance Floor by Chris Tomlin (Passion 2014)

Currently we have raised $420 of our target goal of $1000! There’s only one more month left to go before the concert so check out the ways you can continue to donate and help us reach our goal:

1. Go directly to our fundraising page:
This page monitors our fundraising progress.

2. Attend our Refuel Concert on April 25 where you have an opportunity to participate in our fundraising efforts!

Stay tuned for updates by RSVPing on our Facebook Event for Refuel on God’s Great Dance Floor for ways you can help us care for survivors of child trafficking in America.

We look forward to seeing you there!

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